Friday, May 3, 2013

Fun Fridays!

Ah, the smell of summer in the air! The heat radiating through the classroom, the stench of after-recess sweat, and the anticipation of the weekend. All of these things together make it a little more difficult to keep the kids focused and participating for the full 5 days! So to help them along, our President Cameron decided to institute FUN FRIDAY. Fun Friday is given if students are good all week and keep their letters from being erased. This Friday was our FIRST Fun Friday! Nishoni's awesome dad provided us with delicious popsicles which helped us beat the heat! Fun Fridays are a GREAT idea to promote good behavior and class participation! Here's hoping to end the year with a few more Fridays just as fun as this one!!

Marie is excited for fun!

Natasha is so happy that she's dancing!
Ellie & Cameron
Jelena, Natasha, & Madison
Yum! Popsicles!


1 comment:

  1. i fear that picture is going to haunt me later!
