Thursday, February 14, 2013

A whirlwind of activity!

Sometimes our classroom feels like a whirlwind of activity. We are trying to conclude multiple projects before the 4-day weekend.
Please talk to your child about any missing work they may have!! There is a new list in class of missing work. If their number is on the list, they need to make arrangements to fix and turn it in. If not, they will keep the zero.
Because we are trying to conclude so many projects by tomorrow, your child may come home with homework. Please do all that you can to ensure they are working on it. I know tv and ps3's are so alluring, but getting their homework done is a high priority!!!

Your child MIGHT have homework in the following areas.
  • Independent Novel: They have had 3 1/2 weeks to read an independent novel about animal friendships. Because we were reading Where the Red Fern Grows in class, students were required to pick a similar novel. They will be doing a book report tomorrow in class and taking a Reading Counts test. (Both for a grade, Both due tomorrow)
  • Writing: Biographies. Since last Tuesday (2/5) students have been reading and working on learning about their famous African-American. They have created a plan, written a 1st draft, and drawn the picture of their famous American. If they are not done with the plan, 1st draft, and picture---then they are behind. Tomorrow we will be editing and writing second drafts. We will also be turning these in. 
  • Science Fair: With the exception of one student, all boards are due tomorrow. 
  • Biographies--Reading. In Reading class we have been learning about other famous African-Americans and have been working on sorting details and coloring their pictures: Mae Jemison, Rosa Parks, and George Washington Carver are due tomorrow.
I know it sounds like a lot, but these projects have been on going for weeks and weeks! They just all happen to be due at the same time. Time management is SOOOOO important. Please speak with your child tonight about this work!


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