Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fuel Up to Play 60!

On Friday, we had a great assembly introducing us to lots of new play equipment that Hulet has purchased. Exercising is a vital part of life! With technology on the rise, children are even more overwhelmed with indoor activities. We need to unplug for 60 minutes EVERY DAY and exercise!
Mr. McClellan accepting donations for our play equipment!

To try out a few of these activities, Mrs. Peters selected a few teachers and students to participate in these activities!

Mrs. Carlisle was an excellent hula hooper!!!
Mrs. Tremonti...not so much!

April, however, was a hula hoop master!!!
Mr.Bokker mastering frisbee toss!

Before it was all over we were feeling good, which inspired Mrs. Self's song titled the same name!!

Mrs. Self singing our "Feelin' Good" song

Pictures by: Miss Jaster (http://jasterclassblog.blogspot.com)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Homework Alert!

Why is it that short weeks are always the busiest?

We had an eventful week between Pony Express letters, our projects in class, our assembly for Fuel Up to Play 60, and various other activities!

This weekend your child should have completed the following items for homework.
  • Social Studies--"Blazing a Trail West" worksheet
  • Novel--Read to chapter 10 in Where the Red Fern Grows
  • Spelling--Still missing L19 packets!!!
  • Science--Get your science fair papers signed and approved!

Peek at the Week:

Dear Parents/Guardians:

In case you haven’t had a chance to check the school blog, here’s the outline for science fair dates and deadlines.

January 25th— Have ideas approved by Mrs. Tremonti; Research in the computer lab completed; Signed paper by parents.

February 1st— Make list of materials needed; purchase materials.
Write down procedure list using steps. Step 1 in procedure will be “Gather my materials.” Number of steps vary based on project.

February 4th-8th— Bring materials to school (if you are conducting your experiment at school.) Conduct experiment at school. Record Data. If you are conducting your experiment at home, be sure to document work using pictures. Parents you can email the pictures to me, or print them at home.

February 11-15th—Assemble boards. Type all parts, cut and paste to science fair board. Boards due Friday February 15th! 

February 20th—Present boards to class. Turn in all boards to be judged.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or send a note to school!

Mrs. Tremonti

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Boats Afloat!

In math we are learning about volume! We have learned that volume is found when you multiply length, width, and height. To put our volume knowledge to the test, we decided to construct aluminum foil boats. Once constructed, students had to measure the volume of their particular boat. Then they had to guess how many erasers their boat could hold before putting it to the test.

This math project coincided with science on so many levels that we also wrote our project like a science experiment.

Our Boat Experiment
Question: Which aluminum foil boat can hold the most erasers?


Hypothesis: We think that Boat G6 will hold the most erasers. (Votes: G6:8, Blue Games, 3, Titanic 3)

Research: Boats can hold different amounts. Boats are different sizes. 3-D shapes float better. Volume is everything.

Team G6 had a volume of 100 cubic inches

Team Titanic had a volume of 84 cubic inches.
Team Blue Games had a volume of 280 cubic inches

  • 1 qt cup
  • 12 in cut of aluminum foil
  • water
  • ruler
  • metal tin
  • scissors
  • erasers
  1. Gather all materials
  2. Use ruler to measure 12 inches of aluminum foil.
  3. Cut 12 inches of aluminum foil
  4. Create aluminum foil boat
  5. Grab ruler, measure all sides, calculate volume.
  6. Pour 3 qts of water into metal tin
  7. Place boat in water.
  8. Add erasers 10 at a time until boat sinks
  9. Write down data.

Conclusion: We were wrong!!! The Blue Games boat won because the sides of their boat were taller and because their volume was greatest.

Start with a healthy breakfast!

The alarm clock rings. We wake up groggily. Sometimes taking a shower, sometimes not. We pack lunches, grab money, and run out the door as fast as possible. With all this rush in the morning, sometimes we forget about our most important meal--BREAKFAST!!

As part of Fuel Up to Play 60, our wonderful nurse, Mrs. Haussman, has come up with fun ways to eat healthy. This morning we were so lucky to have a delicious treat prepared for us.

Once you have all the ingredients it is VERY, VERY easy to make.

True Blue Smoothie

1 banana
1 1/2 cups unsweetened frozen blueberries
1/2 cup unsweetened frozen raspberries
1/4 cup raw walnuts or cashews
1/2 cup blueberry juice (may substitute with any 100 percent juice!)

Mix and drink!

We really enjoyed this recipe! Blueberries are full of antioxidants that keep us healthy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spelling Bee!

Tonight at the George Gardner Performing Arts Center, two of our top spellers will be competing for a place in the Navajo County Spelling Bee!!

Good luck Ellie and Jelena!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Weather Reports!

For the last 2 weeks we have been working on weather reports in class. Each student had to report live about a weather event. In their report they were supposed to include: type of weather, place of weather event, explain about their weather, give an emotion to connect with the audience, and report using clear voice and proper pronunciation.We had students give a variety of weather reports from heat waves to blizzards!

Just so you know, these videos have been saved marked as unlisted on youtube. That means you cannot go search  " _______'s Weather Report" and find their file. The only way you can see their video is through this link. Your child's safety is important to me and I want you to know I am doing everything in my power to help keep their identity safe. 


Friday, January 18, 2013

Homework Alert!!

Your child MIGHT have homework in the following areas:
  • Where the Red Fern Grows--Because it is a long book with very small words, students will be required to read all of chapter 4 (pgs 25-34) at home this 3 day weekend.
  • DMS--At the end of two weeks, some students are still not passing their Daily Math Skills with an 80 or above. They will be required to take the practice and test home to work on. Tests will need to be signed by parents and returned Tuesday.

Your child WILL have homework in the following area:
  • Science Fair: Discuss science fair ideas. Circle a few (5-7) ideas that you think sound interesting. We will investigate them next week. 

Enjoy the three day weekend! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Science Fair Time!!!

Every year, students at Hulet conduct science experiments and create science fair projects. Students can choose to work in one of the following areas of science: Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science. Some projects can also be Behavioral Science, Psychological Science, or topics may fall under General Science.

Science Fair links
You can use this link to find a huge list of project ideas and steps to complete these projects. Please read the section thoroughly before deciding on this as your science project! The school is very limited in resources for these projects, but we will try to help as we can.

To keep the kids on track, they will all be getting a timeline for completion.

Science fair projects are very detail oriented and require constant attention. It will be a large portion of your child's 3rd quarter Science grade, so please keep time management a priority!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Geoboard Fun!

In Math class we have been using geoboards to create 2-dimensional shapes. We have also begun working on perimeter and area. Geoboards is one of our most favorite "Early Finishers" activities! Take a look at some serious artwork using the geoboards in our class!

If you follow the letters from top left diagonally to bottom right, then vertically upwards, and then left you can see that Nishoni spelled Tremonti! Cool!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Study Alert!!!

Tomorrow we will be taking a test on WEATHER in Science. This is a unit we started back in November and have continued to work on throughout December and January. Students will need to know about hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, thunderstorms, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Attached are some links that provide great information for your child to refresh their memories with.


These links below will take you directly to the book we use in class every day!
Chapter 5--Earthquakes, plate tectonics, and volcanoes
Chapter 6--Lesson 4: Air and Water
Chapter 7--Weather Patterns, Severe Storms, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Blizzards

Thank you for helping your child study!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Indoor Recess

As many of you know, the temperature outside has been very very cold! Since going outside is not an option during these cold weather days, we have to find ways to keep the kids active! As part of recess today, students were given an opportunity to use some of those muscles and dance to a little zumba fitness!

Gabrielle is grooving to the music!

Dance Party!

Don't think it was just the girls! Tyler was dancing in the back of class too!

Homework Alert--1/14/13

Tonight your child might have homework in the following areas:
  • Math: We are making 3D shapes. Students will need to glue their shapes (made mostly in class) to the paper. Then they will need to write the edges (where two faces meet), faces (the flat surface), and the vertex (where the lines meet in a corner). Some shapes might have 0 vertices, because the line is a circle and has no points. 
  • Reading: Unfortunately some students did NOT complete their reading homework over the weekend. Students were asked to watch their street and write down what events happened. Several students DID complete the homework and turned it in today as instructed. But for those students who didn't complete it, they MUST DO IT TONIGHT!!!

Thanks for keeping track of your child's work through the blog. Afraid you're going to miss something? Sign up at the bottom of the webpage to be EMAILED immediately after posts are made! Then you'll never miss a beat! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2Q Honors Assembly!

Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding awards!

Perfect Attendance: Orin & Ellie! Ellie hasn't missed a day since August 1st!!!

Character Counts: Caring; April, Tyler, Kobi

Honor Roll: A's & B's! Dominic, Jadin, Jelena, Natasha (back row)
                                       Tyler, Cameron (front row)

Principal's List: ALL A'S!!!!: Kobi & Ellie