A popular story by Shel Silverstein, "The Giving Tree" tells the story of a little boy and his friend, the tree. The tree gives the little boy everything. Leaves to play in. Branches to build with. Bark to carve into. Finally the tree gives it's body for the boy to build his house with. The tree wants to give all these things to keep his friend happy. As a version of this story, Mrs. Twyla Taylor came to Hulet to talk to students about giving. What better time than Christmas season to give to others. At the end of the story, Mrs. Taylor gave all the students candy and toys as her gift to them. I challenged the students to then "pay-it-forward" and share one of their 2 gifts with someone else. I was very pleasantly surprised to see how many students accepted the challenge and passed on one of their gifts. It really shows how much fun giving can be.
Here are some pictures from the day:
Mrs. Taylor acting out the story.
Mackenzie is very interested in the story. |
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