Friday, December 7, 2012

Creature Reports

At the end of our study of ecosystems, each student was required to create a poster, powerpoint, or smartboard about their animal. We focused primarily on the animal's habitat, fighting skills, whether it is a predator or a prey, the height and weight of the animal, and added 10 fun facts about that animal. Each student had to then present their report to the class.

PowerPoint is a new program for a lot of students. If you have access to this program at home, via the chapter houses, or at the library, encourage your child to use it! They will become more familiar with the buttons and will find it much easier to use the next time they have a report!

Take a look at some of our creature reports!

Ecosystem: Ocean

Starfish by Gabrielle
Squids by Ellie
Sharks by Jadin
Sea Turles by Nevaeh
Adrian did a poster on stingrays instead of doing a powerpoint!

Ecosystem: Forest
Mexican Grey Wolf by Kobi
Sun Bears by Jelena
Squirrels by Marie
Grey Wolf by Donovan

Ecosystem: Tundra
Moose by Kyle
Polar Bear by Nishoni
Reindeer by DeVonta
Arctic Fox Poster by Natasia

Ecosystem: Savanna
Elephant by Natasha
Cheetahs by Zavion
Lions by April
Rhino by Dominic
Cameron created a poster on the African Elephant

All of these students did a great job! If you don't see your student's name listed, please speak with them about whether or not they completed their work. A few powerpoints weren't included on the blog because they weren't finished.

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